What is camu camu?

The camu camu of the Myrtaceae family is an edible berry typical of the Amazon region that grows wild in the alluvial soils that are flooded during the rainy season, with a very acidic flavor and a spherical shape of 2 to 4 cm, varying between The colors (green, red and violet) depending on their degree of maturation, contain 1 to 4 brown seeds whose sizes range from 5 to 8 mm long covered by white fibrils, their leaves are ovoid, elliptical to lanceolate, acuminate apex , entire and slightly wavy margin, its flowers are small, white, waxy and emit a sweet smell. This fruit species is currently cultivated in countries with tropical climates.

(Javier, Néstor, Mario, Freddy, & Roxana, 2017) (, 2021) (Food and Agriculture Organization,, 2006).

Types of camu-camu Camu-camu has two varieties: the bushy and the arboreal, the first being called Myrciaria dubia by Mc Vauhg in 1963, on the other hand, the arboreal camu camu has not been investigated or classified, although it is said that It could be Myrciria floribunda or Myrciaria sp. The bushy camu camu is found in the Peruvian Amazon, it normally grows on the banks (flood plain) of rivers, streams, ponds and lagoons, remaining covered by water for up to five months. The tree-type camu camu is generally found in black water swamps and areas with poor drainage that are located in the second physiographic position on the river (flooded and non-flooded terraces), and the lower part of its stem is submerged only in the increasing intensity. Some of the most notable differences between both varieties can be seen in the following table.

Source: Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).


The main characteristic of camu-camu is its extremely high content of ascorbic acid and vitamin C. A recent exploration of the Amazon discovered specimens that present between 3000 to 6000 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of pulp, that is, between 57 and 114 times more concentration than orange. Vitamin C is very important for the production of collagen, it helps with healing and the repair and maintenance of tissues in different parts of the body and also for the synthesis or production of hormones or neurotransmitters (Indecopi, 2019). This Amazonian fruit provides several kinds of amino acids such as serine, valine and leucine, in addition to other nutrients such as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and copper. Camu camu is an important source of nutritional antioxidants, β-carotene and phenolic compounds such as: ellagitannins, ellagic acid, quercetin glycosides, syringic acid and myricetin. (, 2021) Some of the benefits of consuming this fruit are:

• Eliminates oxidative stress: Helps reduce the negative impact caused by stress, an alteration that occurs due to the entry of free radicals into the body and a lack of antioxidants.

• Stimulates bone formation: It is excellent for healing processes and for the formation and repair of cartilage, bones and teeth. Additionally, this fruit contributes to the formation of collagen, a protein that promotes the development of tendons and blood vessels.

• Food rich in potassium: A 100-gram serving of this fruit is equivalent to 7.1 mg of potassium. Eating this fruit in a balanced diet will prevent you from suffering from ailments such as muscle weakness, neuromuscular disorders and a low level of blood pressure, also known as arterial hypotension.

Camu camu regenerates tissues and provides energy, each sphere provides the body with a varied cocktail of amino acids, such as serine, valine and leucine, which help the body to grow, repair its tissues and, in addition, provides energy to carry out activities. physical and day-to-day. (MINCETUR; PromPerú, 2021) 3.1. Bioactive components of camu-camu The bioactive components are functional food ingredients, capable of providing beneficial effects on health, influencing cellular activity, physiological mechanisms and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The bioactive compounds are mainly carotenoids. , antioxidants, vitamins and phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and tannins. (Arellano-Acuña, RojasZavaleta, & Paucar-Menacho, 2016) A fundamental fact is that Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is very susceptible to oxidation due to light temperature, water, pH and metals (Cu and Fe). That is why it is very important to use stabilizers of natural origin in products, in order to protect or slow down the oxidation process of vitamin C while maintaining its beneficial properties. (Canales, 2013)

Studies that support the benefits of Camu Camu There are several scientific studies that support the nutritional properties of camu camu. Some examples of these studies are mentioned below: • Study: "Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia): an Amazonian fruit with functional properties." (2018). This study highlights the nutritional properties of camu camu, including its high content of vitamin C and other antioxidants. It is mentioned that camu camu can help strengthen the immune system, protect against oxidative stress and promote cardiovascular health.

• Study: "Nutritional composition and health benefits of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia): a review." (2017). In this study, various nutritional aspects of camu camu are reviewed. Its exceptionally high vitamin C content stands out, as well as its profile of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is mentioned that camu camu may have beneficial effects on health, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

• Study: "Pharmacological properties of Myrciaria dubia (camu camu): a review." (2015). This study reviews the pharmacological properties of camu camu, including its nutritional properties and therapeutic potential. The health benefits of camu camu are mentioned, such as its ability to strengthen the immune system, combat oxidative stress and improve cardiovascular health.

• Study: "Phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) fruit at different ripeness stages." (2013). In this study, the phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of camu camu at different stages of maturity are analyzed. It was found that camu camu in early stages of maturity has a higher content of vitamin C and total antioxidants.

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